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Belco's Online Banking

Archive for May, 2023

A couple discussing the differences between a money market vs. certificate with a financial advisor.

Money Market vs. Certificate: Which One Is Better?

access_time Posted on: May 30th, 2023

Money markets and certificate accounts both offer safe places to stash your excess cash while earning interest, but which is the right choice for you? We take a look at how money market vs. certificate accounts work and which is best for different kinds of savers. Smart Saving Choices: Money Market vs. Certificate If you’re looking to start putting money aside from your monthly budget, then both money market accounts and certificate accounts offer safe places to start building a nest egg for retirement, college, a wedding, or a down payment on a car. While both offer great launchpads for your savings, there are important differences in how they work…. read more »

A couple discussing how to open a certificate account with a credit union representative.

How to Open a Certificate Account in Six Steps

access_time Posted on: May 16th, 2023

Certificate accounts are popular investments that many use to grow their savings. Setting up an account is very easy to do. It can be done in just a few minutes in six simple steps. What Is a Certificate Account? A certificate account is a type of investment that is offered by credit unions. Certificate accounts can be used for both short-term and long-term savings goals. A short-term certificate could be used to help you save for new appliances or furniture, for example. You could also open a 60-month certificate to help you save for a down payment on a house. An important benefit of certificate accounts is that the money… read more »