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Belco's Online Banking

Protecting Your Privacy

View our Privacy Notice

Belco Community Credit Union is committed to making available financial products and services that will enable you, our member, to meet your financial needs and reach your financial goals. Protecting personal information and using it in a manner consistent with your expectations is a high priority for everyone associated with Belco.

As a member of Belco, you also have a responsibility to safeguard your financial information.

To ensure that you can rely upon the quality of products and services we make available, Belco stands behind the following privacy policy:

At Belco, we will collect only the personal information that is necessary to conduct our business. In short, we will collect and retain only what is necessary to provide competitive financial products and services. We will obtain information in accordance with applicable laws and in response to your requests for an account or loan relationship or for other legitimate business purposes.

Belco Community Credit Union will protect your personal information by maintaining strong security controls to ensure that your information located in our files and computer systems is protected. Through the use of passwords, PINs, social security numbers and/ or tax identification numbers we verify information and protect the information entrusted to us. Only authorized employees are permitted access to this information and any violation of Confidentiality policies can be grounds for immediate termination.

You have access to your information and may review the information to make necessary changes to insure the credit union information is complete and accurate. This updating of information is performed anytime a new account or loan is acquired.

Belco will only share information in order to administer the products and services we provide, when required to do so by the government, or when we partner with other businesses to offer a broader array of products and services. Belco will exchange member information, to the extent permissible by law, for the purposes of credit reporting, verification and only with reputable sources and clearinghouse services.

Belco will partner only with businesses that follow strict confidentiality requirements. The businesses we select will offer products designed to enhance your economic well being. Under no circumstances will we authorize these firms to charge your accounts without your express consent.

Belco will offer you a choice in how your information is used. Any member of Belco may elect to keep their information from being shared with our business partners. Belco will inform you on how to exercise your choice, and will take all the reasonable steps to assure the requests are followed. Annually Belco will provide you with a notice of your rights under the policy.

In order to be removed from any listing developed with an approved business partner, you need only to submit a request in writing to:

Belco Community Credit Union
Attn: Opt Out
449 Eisenhower Blvd.
Harrisburg, PA 17111

Once we receive your request to opt out, we will act as quickly as possible to stop future 3rd party solicitations. You may always contact us for assistance if you wish at a later date to revoke your opt out decision. If you have any questions about your financial privacy and/or opt out choice, contact our member consultants at 800-642-4482 or via e-mail at information@belco.org. Email is not a secure form of communication and personal information should not be transmitted.


In order to keep our members and employees safe, all Belco branches will open at 11 AM today, 1/21. Our ATMs/ITMs, as well as our online, mobile and telephone banking options, remain available 24/7.