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Belco's Online Banking

Archive for January, 2021

How Do I Give Myself an End-of-Year Financial Review?

access_time Posted on: January 15th, 2021

With 2020 in the books, I’d love to look at my finances to get on track for 2021. How do i start? This question is asked more then you may think. Having a financial review at the end of a year is important in helping prepare you for financial success in the year to come. This simple step-by-step process can get you ready to grow financially for the coming year. End-of-Year Review Process Giving yourself an end-of-year financial review is a wonderful way to check on the progress you’ve made toward your goals, highlight areas needing improvement and update your accounts, funds and investments. Here’s all you need to know… read more »

First Credit Card

Your First Credit Card: Everything You Need to Know!

access_time Posted on: January 14th, 2021

Congratulations! You are about to apply for your first credit card! Having heard about how great a credit card can be, and the importance of building credit, you decided to do some research. You saw fancy things like “0% interest for the first year” and “2% cashback on purchases” that sound like a great deal, but what does it all mean? Whether you are going into college and getting your first credit card, or deciding now is the time to build your credit, you have come to the right place. This guide will help you understand basic credit card terms, and how you can start building your credit score today!… read more »

In order to keep our members and employees safe, all Belco branches will open at 11 AM today, 1/21. Our ATMs/ITMs, as well as our online, mobile and telephone banking options, remain available 24/7.