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Belco's Online Banking

Meet our Senior Management Team

Amey Sgrignoli
President & CEO

Sam Glesner
SVP Coporate Support

Jason Allen
SVP Lending

Rebeka Landon
SVP Finance

Paul Perini III
SVP Retail

Melissa Tyrrell
VP Compliance

Tim Bradley

Mike Wolfe
VP Lending

Craig Killian
VP Account Resolutions

Robert Hoke
VP Corporate Support

Timothy Grossman
VP Finance Accounting

Christine Reed
VP Deposit Services

Marti Speck
VP Human Resources

Wendy Marshall
VP Retail Operations

Heather Cluck
VP Digital Member Engagement

Remember, Belco will NEVER text you about account fraud. If you receive a text message from an unknown number asking you to click a link regarding your account, this is a phishing attempt. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK! Always use belco.org or our mobile app to login to Money Manager and view account activity. Stay safe!