Opening a money market account (MMA) might seem a bit daunting, especially when headlines warn of market instability. But even in the face of economic unpredictability, these specialized accounts offer a secure option to park your cash while earning interest. Read on to learn how money market accounts work and why they make sense for Pennsylvania residents looking to grow their savings. What Is a Money Market Account? An MMA is a type of deposit account that often requires a higher minimum balance to maintain compared to regular savings accounts. It offers the dual benefit of better interest rates while providing easy access to your funds. You’ll enjoy the ideal… read more »
Archive for September, 2023
Pros and Cons of Certificate Accounts
Certificate accounts offer a safe and dependable way to save money while earning interest over a fixed period. These investment accounts are an excellent refuge for funds that need a temporary home with the promise of a guaranteed return. Read on to learn more about certificate account advantages and disadvantages and whether opening one is right for your portfolio. What Is a Certificate Account? A certificate account is an investment product whereby you deposit money in an account for a fixed period and earn interest. The rate is usually higher than what you’d make in a regular savings account. When the term ends, you get your initial deposit back along… read more »