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Belco's Online Banking

Belco believes in supporting local businesses. We offer many financial services to help you grow and manage your business. Our Business Money Market Account is designed to help you earn more on your earnings.

Our Business Money Market Account offers a competitive interest rate to maximize your surplus funds for your venture.

Minimum Balance to Earn DividendsDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)*
Business Money Market$250.00 – $24,999.990.50%0.50%
$25,000.00 – $99,999.990.75%0.75%
$100,000.00 – $249,999.991.00%1.00%
$250,000.00 – $499,999.991.49%1.50%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change at any time and without prior notice. Federally Insured by NCUA.

Believing in Business!

Belco offers a variety of business products that provide solutions for your financial needs, including:

Whatever your business goals are, Belco has the resources to help you reach your milestones.

If you are interested in our Business Money Market Account, we invite you to make an appointment to better your business today.