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Belco's Online Banking

Auto/Motorcycle/RV Rates

New Auto/Motorcycle Loans (2023 and newer)*APR* starting at:
12 Months5.99%
24 Months5.99%
36 Months5.99%
48 Months6.24%
60 Months6.24%
72 Months6.49%
84 Months6.99%
Used Auto/Motorcycle Loans (up to 10 model years)*APR* starting at:
12 Months 5.99%
24 Months 5.99%
36 Months 5.99%
48 Months 6.24%
60 Months 6.24%
72 Months 6.74%
84 Months6.99%
New RV Loans
(2023 and newer)*
APR* starting at:
$3,000 or less24 Months7.99%
$3,001 or over 36 Months 7.99%
$6,000 or over48 Months7.99%
$10,000 or over 60 Months 8.24%
$12,000 or over 72 Months 8.24%
$15,000 or over 84 Months 8.74%
$25,000 or over 120 Months 8.74%
$35,000 or over180 Months9.49%
Used RV Loans
(Up to 15 model years)*
APR* starting at:
$3,000 or less24 Months8.99%
$3,001 or over 36 Months 8.99%
$6,000 or over48 Months8.99%
$10,000 or over 60 Months 9.24%
$12,000 or over 72 Months 9.24%
$15,000 or over 84 Months 9.24%
$25,000 or over 120 Months 9.74%
$35,000 or over180 Months 10.49%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates quoted include an LTV up to 100%. Rate may differ depending upon credit worthiness, LTV, loan amount, and term of the loan. Rates are subject to change at any time without prior notice. New vehicle rates apply to vehicles with 5,000 or fewer miles. Refinance of a Belco account requires a minimum of $5,000 in new money.

Please be aware of fraudsters impersonating Belco through text messages. If you receive a message about your account, please visit a branch or call our phone number to confirm activity on your account. A reminder to NEVER click links and do not respond to the text message. Stay Safe!