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Belco's Online Banking

Business Checking Rates

Account DetailsDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)
Free Business Checking
Unlimited transaction and deposit items
No minimum balance requirements or monthly service charge.0.00%0.00%
Interest Checking
$0.00 - $24,999.990.25%0.25%
$25,000.00 - $49,999.990.35%0.35%
$50,000.00 - $74,999.990.45%0.45%
$75,0000.00 - 99,999.990.55%0.55%
$100,000.00 +0.65%0.65%

*Rates subject to change at any time and without prior notice.

In order to keep our members and employees safe, all Belco branches will open at 11 AM today, 1/21. Our ATMs/ITMs, as well as our online, mobile and telephone banking options, remain available 24/7.