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Belco's Online Banking

Refer a Friend and Earn $10!

Tell your friends about how much you love Belco! Get $10 when you refer a friend, and they open a checking account with us. 


An account for those interested in higher interest!

Our Premier Interest Checking account is the best option to maximize your money, with a competitive interest rate to assist you in achieving your financial goals. Premier Interest Checking offers many benefits, including:

  • FREE standard checks
  • Competitive dividend rate (based on account balance)

In addition, every new personal checking account includes:

FREE Debit CardFREE eStatements with online check images
FREE Online Banking Chance to win a prize
FREE Bill PayerBuy back of your unused checks and debit cards from another financial institution for up to $10
FREE Mobile Banking with Mobile Deposit

If your minimum daily balance falls below $1,500, a $6 monthly fee will apply. Earn interest on your money and make the most of your checking account!

To get started with Premier Interest Checking, apply online any time, or visit a branch location to learn more.

Due to scheduled system maintenance, the availability of our electronic services will be limited on Sunday, February 23 from 2AM to 6AM. Money Manager, our online banking system, and Belle, our automated phone system, will be unavailable during this time. Belco ATMs will be functional, however, there will be a cash withdrawal limit of $200 per day, subject to account balance availability. Please plan accordingly. We thank you in advance for your patience.