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Belco's Online Banking


Belco takes the security of our member’s information very seriously. Information security takes teamwork, we ask you to do your part, too! Things like keeping your software and hardware updated are important, but that’s just the start. Please refer back to this page often for more ideas on how you can secure your information. Please contact Belco at 800-642-4482 if you have any questions or concerns.

What Belco Does

User ID
When members sign up for online banking, they are given a unique User ID.  You can change this ID by logging on to Money Manager and going to Options.  You’ll need this every time you access your account online or use mobile banking. (When you call us or visit us in person, you will need to provide your membership account number and a form of ID and/or a Phone Password. If no Phone Password is setup, then another form of identification will be used.)

Belco requires that you have a password setup for online banking to secure your account.  You can reset your password by clicking on the “Forgot password?” link that shows up after you enter your User ID. You can also reset your password within online banking under “Options.”

Reminder: Belco staff will never call or email you and ask you to provide your online banking password.  Contact Belco directly if you have any questions or concerns related to home banking passwords.

Card Security Service
We contract with VISA Falcon Fraud Prevention Service who monitors our cardholders’ usage and flags transactions that may be considered fraudulent. With the Falcon Fraud detection system, you will receive continual monitoring of your card activity to help identify and prevent fraudulent transactions in your account.


If Falcon Fraud Prevention Service believes there is suspect activity in your account, Falcon will contact you directly to verify transactions with your VISA Belco card. If Falcon is not able to reach you directly, they will leave a voicemail with a call back number to verify transactions with your Belco Visa card, or they may block your account for security reasons.

Falcon’s 24/7 toll-free number is 888.373.2890. If the phone number left on your voicemail does not match this number, it’s not a legitimate message. Falcon will verify your identity, but they will never ask you for your card number, expiration date of your card or the security code on the back of your card.

Added Security for Online Purchases

Belco has implemented additional security features for your Belco Visa Debit and Credit cards to prevent fraud when making online card transactions.

When you attempt an online transaction using your Belco card, Visa will complete a risk analysis. If the transaction passes the risk analysis, it will process as normal. If the transaction is identified as higher risk (based on several factors, including merchant type, merchant location, dollar amount, and member transaction history), you will see a new screen on your device prompting you to call the toll-free number – 833.754.0386 – so that a representative can verify your identity and discuss the transaction with you. If you would like the transaction to process, the representative will place an approval status on your card, and you will be able to attempt the transaction again successfully.

What You Should be Doing

Create a strong and complex password. You can find some helpful hints and suggestions by visiting Belco’s password guidelines.

Stay Aware
Review Your Account Activity Regularly. The sooner you discover fraudulent activity on your account the better. You’ll also protect important dispute rights.

Always Log Off
ALWAYS log off and close your browser when finished using online and mobile banking. Using publicly accessed wireless networks or shared computers for online banking is a major security issue, which is why Belco doesn’t recommend using them to perform online banking activities.

Know Your Device
Take the time to read up on the security features of the device in which you are using for online banking. Use the security features offered and be sure to keep current with all updates.

Regularly monitor your financial account information.

  • View your account balances and transactions using Belco’s digital banking tools.
  • Review your account statements on a regular basis to identify any unauthorized charges or activity.
  • Sign up for account alerts through online banking. You can elect to be notified when a withdrawal or deposit is made, your debit and/or credit card have been used, if you’ve had an overdraft and/or non-sufficient funds event, and more.
  • Request one free credit report from each of the credit bureaus every year at AnnualCreditReport.com and review for accuracy.

Safeguard your financial & account information

  • Never share any password or PIN, even if they are temporary or one-time codes. Financial institutions do not need to ask for your password, and one-time passwords should only be entered into a system when you are confirming it is your activity.
  • Think before you act. Be wary of communications that play on fear (frozen bank account or fraudulent transactions), request urgent action (act immediately), request personal information (PIN, Social Security number, account numbers, etc.), or offer deals that sound too good to be true.
  • Be aware of common signs your personally identifiable information may have been compromised, including receiving calls from collections agencies about debts you do not recognize, receiving credit denial or credit acceptance alerts in the mail for accounts/loans for which you did not apply, or becoming aware of stolen personal information (e.g. Social Security card, driver’s license, etc.)
  • If you receive a call, text, or email from a party claiming to be your financial institution, do not provide any account information.
  • Never give credit or debit card information through a call you did not initiate or a call you made to a number you haven’t verified as legitimate
  • When accessing digital banking, ALWAYS log off and close your web browser or app. We strongly recommend you not use public Wi-Fi, publicly accessed, or shared computers for digital banking.
  • Know your device’s security features and keep them active and up to date.


If your computer has been compromised, do the following:

  1. Power down your computer immediately.
  2. Have a reputable computer servicing professional inspect and clean your computer.
  3. Change all user IDs and passwords.
  4. Never provide your user IDs or passwords to individuals not listed on your account(s).

If your Social Security number has been compromised:

  1. Request a free one-year fraud alert by contacting one of the credit bureaus and renew the alert, as necessary.
  2. If you’re not planning to apply for accounts or loans in the near future, consider requesting a freeze on your credit report. Keep in mind a freeze may require a small fee paid to a 3rd
  3. If you identify concerning information on your credit report or are informed of a line of credit/account that you did not authorize, visit indetitytheft.gov for recovery steps.

If someone opened an account or loan in your name, request an extended fraud alert by contacting one of the credit bureaus:

  • Experian- 888.397.3742
  • TransUnion- 800.680.7289
  • Equifax- 800.525.6285


If you receive a communication from BELCO that looks suspicious, and for any security questions or concerns about your account with Belco, call us immediately at 800.642.4482.

Do not click on any links or contact information in a suspicious email, text, or other message, and do not reply directly to a suspicious message. If necessary to communicate with the sender of the message, we recommend you communicate with them by visiting them via their legitimate web address or by using contact information that you’re familiar with to ensure you’re communicating with the actual company.

Additional Security Best Practices

For our Best Practices to be affective, Belco Recommends:

  • Be certain that you understand the easy-to-read terms outlined in your Belco Agreements and Disclosures.
    When you open your Belco account, you agree to its terms, which were written to protect you.
  • Check your Belco Account Statements each month for any unauthorized activity or transactions.
    You must notify Belco immediately if you notice anything out of the ordinary in your monthly Account Statement.
  • Always lock your computer/device before you walk away:
    Avoid having other people with access to the computer/device in which you are using to connect to online banking.  While Belco’s security measures are in place to keep you information safe and secure, they shouldn’t be relied on to act as the only form of protection.
  • Avoid using public networks to connect to online banking
    Public networks often do not use encryption, which could cause your login information or financial information to be cached in a temporary file and be used later to compromise your account, even after you have logged out.
  • Be on the lookout for social engineering attacks, such as “phishing” emails.
    Belco will never ask you for your account number, Social Security number, date of birth or other pieces of personal information in an e-mail. If you are provided with a link in an e-mail, do not follow it if you question its validity. Belco recommends that you always type in the Web address of Belco.org when logging in. Cyber-criminals will use social engineering attacks to get you to divulge your personal and financial data such as using spoofed emails and websites designed to look authentic, even phone calls and text messages. Belco will never ask you for personal information in a call you did not initiate! If a call or text seems questionable, report it to Belco (or the financial institution it allegedly came from).
  • Keep your antivirus and antimalware software updated
    These vendors often release patches and updates on a regular basis.  The more up to date the programs are, the better they are in protecting your computer.

Additional Information

Belco can only guarantee the online security of your funds and your personal information while you are conducting financial business on Belco’s site.

That means that if you leave Belco’s secure site, Belco can no longer make assurances that other sites will offer you the same protective measures as Belco.

Before leaving Belco’s secure site by clicking on a link within belco.org, you will receive a warning – It will read, in part, “Important: You Are Now Leaving belco.org.” You will have the option to return to the previous page or to continue. By clicking Continue, you will then leave Belco’s secure site. Belco cannot guarantee the security of another site that you may be entering and, therefore, Belco cannot guarantee your funds if you provide personal and/or financial information to that site.

Due to scheduled system maintenance, availability of our electronic services will be limited on Sunday, March 16 from 1 AM to 7 AM. Money Manager, our online banking system, and Belle, our automated phone system, will be unavailable during this time. Belco ATMs will be functional, however, there will be a cash withdrawal limit of $200 per day, subject to account balance availability. Please plan accordingly. We thank you in advance for your patience.