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Belco's Online Banking

Debt Shield Payment Protection

Belco is pleased to offer our members a voluntary loan payment protection product to provide relief from the financial burden of delinquency, default, or foreclosure if a protected life event unexpectedly happens to you.

If a protected life event occurs and you are a protected borrower or co-borrower on the loan, Debt Shield* will cancel or reduce repayment of your loan debt, helping to lessen the worries of you or your family about paying loans during a time of lost or reduced income.

Protected events include:

  • Loss of life (including those caused by acts of war)
  • Disability (including those caused by acts of war)
  • Involuntary unemployment

Meeting the eligibility requirements and enrollment are easy! So be sure to inquire about Debt Shield with your next loan transaction.

*Your purchase of Debt Shield is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative, or refer to the Member Agreement, for a full explanation of the terms of Debt Shield.

File a Claim

Life, Terminal Illness, Accidental Dismemberment, Hospitalization, Family Medical Leave, Loss of Life of a Dependent, Disability, or Involuntary Unemployment Claim? We are here to help!

In your time of need, our claims process is quick and easy. If you elected payment protection on your loan, you can use this convenient claims process to quickly and easily file your claim.

To begin, please fill out a claim form.

If you prefer, call 1-844-707-4964 to begin the process, and a CUNA Mutual Group Claims Specialist will guide you through the process.

CUNA Mutual Group is the marketing name for CUNA Mutual Holding Company, a mutual insurance holding company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Payment protection products include debt protection products available through the credit union and MEMBER‘S CHOICE ® credit life and credit disability insurance underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company.

Due to scheduled system maintenance, the availability of our electronic services will be limited on Sunday, February 23 from 2AM to 6AM. Money Manager, our online banking system, and Belle, our automated phone system, will be unavailable during this time. Belco ATMs will be functional, however, there will be a cash withdrawal limit of $200 per day, subject to account balance availability. Please plan accordingly. We thank you in advance for your patience.