Page 5 - Belco_Connections_Summer-2018
P. 5

(“Member Bulletin Board” continued from page 2)
      Camp Hill, who won the Xtreme Teen   • Tuesday, Aug. 7 – National Night
      Club essay contest and a $50 Target gift   Out. Belco will attend this annual
      card. Xander submitted a 300-word essay   community and police awareness-raising
      about how he is planning for life after high  event at various locations in Hanover,
      school. In addition, one youth member   Harrisburg, Carlisle, and Lancaster.
      from each branch won a $50 Visa gift card.
      • In the month of September, Belco will
      be collecting non-perishable food items
      at all branches for the Central PA Food
      Bank. Drop o your donations beginning
      Sept. 1, or visit for other
      ways to donate.

      • Saturday, July 28 – Hanover Dutch
      Festival. Join us in downtown Hanover
      for crafts, food and entertainment. Stop by
      our tent to spin the prize wheel and enter
      our gift card drawing.

                                          In June, Belco hosted local author Tracey
                                          Jones from Tremendous Life Books along
                                          with her dog, Indigo Jones, at the 2018
                                          Newville Fountain Festival. Belco partnered
                                          with the John Graham Library to treat
                                          children to a reading of the best-seller Boxcar
                                          Indy Goes to Doggyworld. Children also
                                          receive a free “paw-tographed” copy of Indy’s

                                          • Saturday-Monday, Sept. 1-3 – Kipona
                                          Festival. Held along the Harrisburg

      Belco recently donated $500 to Prairie   Riverfront, there is always plenty of good
      Farms Foundation, a horse rescue and   food and entertainment during this
      rehabilitation organization in Grantville.   annual end of summer celebration. Stop
      In April, the group volunteered to bring   by our tent to spin the prize wheel each
      horses and handlers wearing derby attire to   day!
      Belco’s Kentucky Derby-themed Annual
      Meeting & Membership Gala, where they
      talked with attendees about their mission
      and various events.
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